ACC Annual Invoicing & Estimations

ACC will start sending out annual invoices in October (usually these are sent in July but were delayed due to Covid-19 and lockdown).

If you think that the liable payroll for your business has been impacted by Covid-19 and your wages and salaries paid for the 20/21 year therefore will be less than for 19/20, then we are able to estimate the wages payable for the 20/21 year so that the ACC provisional levy invoice reflects this.

So that ACC can use the estimated payroll for the provisional levy invoice, it is recommended to provide them with an estimate before the end of September.

If the actual performance turns out to be different to the estimate, it will be reflected in next year’s invoice.

We can help estimate your payroll and provide the information to ACC. Alternatively, if you are an employer with staff and have an MyACC for Business account set up, you can log in to your account to provide ACC with a payroll estimate, if you receive an end of year shareholder salary, you need to email .

Please note, this does not impact on self-employed as they are no longer required to pay provisional ACC levies.

Feel free to get in touch if you have any queries or if you would like some help to estimate your payroll.